Sugarmitten Stripes

I knew I needed to practice when I fell in love with Sugarmitten’s mani:

(click here for link)

Stripes are difficult…So, this is practice.

I’m making my way through my OPI 2012 Holland Collection of polish.

OPI “Thanks A Windmillion”

IMG_3319  IMG_3320


20 comments on “Sugarmitten Stripes

  1. sugarmitten says:

    Wow! Thanks! I feel honored! Stripes are super difficult for me too! I usually use tape 🙂

  2. glamazon1026 says:

    I LOVE!!!!!

  3. Amanda (Mae) says:

    You both do! Looks fabulous!

  4. Erin Elizabeth says:

    Cool stripes!!! Yeah, I don’t like doing ’em either, I always feel like it looks like my son did my nails. lol I will have to bust out a striping brush and see what happens!

  5. TopCoatIt says:

    They look great Cheryl! I find horizontal stripes easier sometimes if you roll your finger under the brush rather than move the brush.

  6. Latoya says:

    Stripes ARE hard! Good work Cheryl! I really like ‘Windmillion’ on you – very flattering 🙂

  7. ProfMomEsq says:

    I am AMAZED by what you can do, and these are among my favorites. (Although, I’ve got a lot of pictures to work through here …) Beautiful!

  8. C. Lewis says:

    Wow!! I like the sugar mitten, but would have to go to a salon to get something like this done!…… KUDOS, to you for having the patience, and precision to apply! Job Well Done!

  9. skaytanik says:

    This makes me think of Pier 1… which for the record is a store I freaking love 🙂 Again, mad skills on the striping!
